Office 365 User Guide
OneDrive is where you can store files accessible through the cloud as well as share files with other users.
Accessing OneDrive
- Log into Office 365 at in Internet Explorer. Not all features will work in other internet browsers.
- Make sure you turn on the Keep me signed in checkbox.
- Select OneDrive from the menu.
Uploading files
- After entering OneDrvie go to Library.
- Select Open with Explorer.
- A windows explorer window will appear and you can copy and move items between OneDrive and your computer freely. Select the files you want to upload and click and drag to the OneDrvie menu.
- You can also create a folder to organize your OneDrive.
- To create a folder in click on
- Select New Folder.
- You can click and drag files into the folder.
Accessing shared files
- When someone in Office 365 shares a folder or file with you, you will receive an email with a link to the file/folder. Besides this link you can access the shares two different ways.
Permanent link in Office 365
- Instead of going to OneDrive go to Newsfeed.
- Click Edit Links in the left hand menu.

- Click

- Type in a name for the shared filer/folder and copy in the link from the email.
- Click Ok and Save. A shortcut to the share will now appear in your Newsfeed list.
- In OneDrive, Newsfeed and other apps you can Search all of Office 365 in a Search Everything bar in the upper left hand corner.

- Click and type the name of the filer or folder and search.
- A list of files and folder with the name will appear.
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or give us a call at 800-882-8701.