Hello friends - we're fired up for ourselves and for small businesses everywhere and want to share what you can do in 30 seconds to support SureTech, if you like, or any local business where you live.

We're participating in, and promoting, Chase's "Mission Small Business" - which is giving away $3M in twelve $250,000 grants to small businesses across the country, selected by this notable panel from over 35,000 current entrants.

If you have a facebook account, there's only six days left to vote, and we enthusiastically encourage you to login and browse for companies you might like. You can see full instructions here, or you can just:

  1. Go to missionsmallbusiness.com
  2. Click "login and support"(facebook required)
  3. Find your favorite biz (like "SureTech"); OR
  4. Search just state or city(like NJ and Princeton)
  5. Click "Vote" for any you like!
    It's that easy!

As it turns out, thanks to all of you who have already supported us, SureTech is currently ranked in the top 2% of entrants nationwide! As of today, in fact, we are only 200 facebook votes from the top contenders nation wide and are excited at the possibility of closing this gap in the next week with the help of our customers, friends, and fans.

Most importantly, Chase's campaign allows you to find and support as many local businesses as you like near you.  

We feel it's our mission to enable the small business revolution that continues to compete with legacy industrial enterprises in ever growing ways and would love to help someone we know, and someone you know, win.

Again, vote for as many companies as you'd like, spread the love and help continue to grow and support local economies and communities.

All best wishes,

- Your SureTech Solutions Team

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