Here are our current SureHealth™ ratings. Note that the computer must full-fill the requirements in all columns in order to receive that rating.


Level Color Memory Hard disk size Hard Disk free space Security Disaster Recovery
Platinum Green 4+ GB 500+GB 40%+ Firewall & AntiVirus Real-time monitoring/Certified Semi-annual snapshots
Gold Green 3GB - <4 GB 250 - 499GB 30% - 39% Firewall & AntiVirus Real-time monitoring/Semi-annual snapshots
Silver Green 2GB - < 3 GB 100GB - 250 GB 20% - 29% Firewall & AntiVirus Active monitoring
Bronze Yellow 1 GB - <2 GB 30GB - 99GB 15% - 19% Firewall & AntiVirus  
Critical Red < 1 GB < 30 GB < 15%


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